The Power to Make a Difference News

Common Sense Parenting

St. George’s, Grenada – June 22, 2015: Eighty three (83) parents and teachers (including 14 of Republic Bank’s Staff), are today proud graduates of Phase I of the “Common Sense Parenting” and “Parenting for Literacy” Programmes, held under the Bank’s social investment initiative “The Power to Make a Difference”.

June 24, 2015

Republic Bank Staff Volunteers in Community Work at TAMCC

St. George's, Grenada: January 20, 2014 - Work on the Mechanical Engineering Technology Building of the T.A. Marryshow Community College was given an added boost when Staff of Republic Bank lent assistance to the College's cleanup efforts, on Saturday, January 11, 2014. Several of the Bank's staff volunteered their time to join the students and faculty staff to clean the Mechanical Engineering Building, which is being repaired under the Bank's Power to Make a Difference Programme.

March 12, 2014


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