Savings & Chequing
Savings Accounts
Growing up with a plan for tomorrow
The wise investment instrument
Easy access to Foreign Currency
A value package designed for persons 60 +
Savings Accounts
Helps you to build your nest egg
Chequing Accounts
A world of convenience and flexibity
Bank FREE, easy and convenient
Shape your future.
Electronic Banking
EBS Products
Pay bills and manage your accounts easily
Banking on the Go!
Access accounts with your Republic Bank Visa Debit Card
EBS Products
Accessibility to your accounts made easy
Be able to accept any credit card payment
To take you through each stage of life, as we aim to assist you with the funds you need for the things you want to do
Tools & Guides
Helps you determine the loan amount that you can afford
You can calculate your business's potential borrowing repayments
Mortgage Centre
Republic Bank Limited can make your dream of a new home a quick and affordable reality
A cleaner, more sustainable future is both possible and affordable.
Tools & Guides
- Conversion
- New Fees
Growing Up With the Plan for Tomorrow
If you are 19 years of age and under you can be a RightStarter. RightStart gives you all the flexibility of a banking account, including a VISA Debit Card, PLUS some really cool RightStart Club benefits!
What is RightStart?
RightStart is a chequing account that pays preferential interest. It is specially designed for persons 19 years and under and is only available at Republic Bank. The account's interest will be calculated on minimum monthly balances, and paid monthly on the last day of each month.
Savings is money put aside for use at a future date.
- to get that special item that you need e.g. a book, a pair of shoes, etc.
- to have money at a later date e.g. to buy a birthday gift for Mummy, Daddy, your sister or brother, or even your best friend.
Your money will be easy to access from our branches and ATMs island-wide especially in case of an emergency.
Best of all! You earn INTEREST, so your money grows when you put it in the Bank. Interest is money the bank gives you as a reward for saving your money in the bank.
Learning to separate your wants from your needs is an important part of saving. So when you are thinking of how you can possibly save some of your allowance, think of buying one (1) snack per week instead of two (2). You have to make a commitment to save!
Tell Mummy and Daddy about your savings goal and ask them to help you save towards it. So next birthday or for that special occasion, when everyone wants to know what you want, ask for a gift in the form of money.
And best of all, FREE membership in the exclusive RightStart Club. As a Club member, you get special discounts at bookstore, dental clinics, computer store and much more!
N.B. As soon as you open a RightStart account, you automatically become a RightStart Club member. But remember you have to open a RightStart Account FIRST!
Come in and open your account today!
Here are the features of your RightStart account: | Here are the benefits of your RightStart account: |
FREE quarterly statements |
To keep track of your account balance |
FREE Republic Bank Visa Debit Card available to all account holders: 7 years old: Card issued in parent’s name only. Over 7 years: Card may also be issued to the minor, once the Account Authorisation Form is signed by the adult. 13 years and over: Card issued in the child’s name. |
Convenience of 24-hour access to account via the Blue Machine Immediate access to funds in an emergency Access to online purchases or point of sale transactions |
FREE local and foreign drafts for educational institutions only |
Cost Savings |
FREE Auto Transfers for payment from a Republic Bank account to a RightStart account. |
Making regular monthly deposits to your account is hassle-free |
FREE Republic Bank Visa Debit Card wallet |
Protects your Republic Bank Visa Debit Card from damage |
- Interest Rates – 2.25%
Before visiting our branches, ensure you have the following documents:
One (1) form of Identification
Birth certificate
Proof of address: a recent utility bill and/or confirmation of address, if utility bill is not in the customer’s name (Click here for the form.)
Proof of income e.g. Job letter, copy of contract
Reference Letter (in some cases)
The required amount to open the account
If you are a non-resident customer, other documents will be required. Kindly liaise with your preferred branch on 444-2265 for more details.
Savings Accounts
Chequing Accounts
Banking Segments
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