Press Releases

RFHL Records US$81.7 Million In Half Year Profits

Port-of-Spain, Trinidad: May 6, 2020: The President of Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL), Nigel Baptiste, announced today a profit attributable to shareholders of the parent of US$81.7 million for the six-month period ended March 31, 2020, a decline of US$36.1 million or 30.6% below the corresponding period last year.

Thursday 07 May 2020

Republic Financial Holdings Limited Supports Fight Against COVID19

St. George’s Grenada, Wednesday, April 1, 2020: Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL) has announced that the Republic Group will be making a contribution of the equivalent of US$2 million, collectively, across all of the territories in which it operates, namely, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, Guyana, Barbados, Ghana, Suriname, Cayman Islands, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Maarten, Anguilla and Dominica.

Thursday 02 April 2020

Blessing & Handover St. Patrick’s Catholic Church – Parish Centre (Hillsborough)

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St. George’s, Grenada; March 11, 2020: The parishoners of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Hillsborough, as well as the general public in Carriacou, can now boast of a new Parish Centre.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Republic Bank Pledges $700,000 Towards Community Projects

St. George’s, Grenada; February 28, 2020: Republic Bank has committed to spending $700,000 in various sponsorship and charitable initiatives over the period October 2019 – September 2020. The announcement was made before a cross-section of beneficiaries in a ceremony held at the Radisson Grenada Beach Resort, on February 27th.

Friday 06 March 2020

Twenty Students Receive Financial Assistance under the Republic Bank Bursary Programme

St. George’s, Grenada; February 10, 2020: Twenty (20) young men and women are the proud recipients of bursary assistance from Republic Bank, through the UWI - Open Campus Programme.

Monday 10 February 2020

Republic Bank 2020 Spice Island Billfish Tournament attracts 57 Vessels

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January 30, 2020; St. George’s Grenada: The blast of the canon at 7.30am on January 26th signaled the official start of the 2020 Republic Bank Spice Island Billfish Tournament (RBSIBT).

Tuesday 04 February 2020

Republic Bank (Grenada) Limited plants Saman tree in honour of Ronald Harford, retired Chairman of RFHL

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January 09, 2020; St. George Grenada: Son of Grenadian soil, Ronald Frederick deCreeft Harford retired as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Republic Financial Holdings Limited on December 31, 2019, following an illustrious banking career. Republic Bank (Grenada) Limited marked his retirement with a ceremonial tree planting in his honour at the Quarantine Park, St. George.

Monday 13 January 2020


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