Increased Transaction Limit for Third-Party Local Bank Transfers

Effective August 7, 2023, Personal and Corporate/Commercial customers can now send more due to our enhanced Third-Party Local Bank Transfer Limit via RepublicOnline and RepublicMobile.

Third-Party Local Bank Transfers refer to transfers made to any bank (except for Republic Bank) within the EC.

Please refer to the highlighted increase below:

Online Banking Features Personal Maximum Daily Limit Corporate/Commercial Maximum Daily Limit
Transfers Between Own Accounts US$999,999,999 (Unlimited) US$999,999,999 (Unlimited)
Transfers to Republic Bank Accounts US$10,000/EC$27,000 US$1,000,000
Transfers to Local Banks US$100,000/EC$270,000* US$1,000,000/EC$2,700,000*
Wire Transfers US$100,000/EC$270,000 US$1,000,000/EC$2,700,000
Utility Payments US$10,000/EC$27,000 US$75,000/EC$202,500
Credit Card Payments US$100,000/EC$270,000 US$100,000/EC$250,000
Loan Payments US$10,000/EC$27,000 US$10,000/EC$27,000
Third Party Credit Card Payments US$10,000/EC$27,000 US$10,000/$27,000
Payments with Friends US$10,000/EC$27,000 N/A
Cardless Cash Transfer US$370/EC$1000 N/A
Supplier Payment N/A US$ 999,999,999 (Unlimited)
Payroll Payments N/A US$ 999,999,999 (Unlimited)

*New Limit

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