Let's Go Digital

Terms and Conditions

• Cash prizes will be credited directly to the winner's Republic Bank account
• Winners will be randomly selected from a group of eligible participants
- Eligible participants for usage are customers who completed five (5) or more transactions (excluding self-transfers) via their Online Banking channels (RepublicOnline and/or RepublicMobile).
- Eligible participants for registration are customers who would have registered for Online Banking within the campaign period.
• Winners Draws will be done on or before the end of the following month, i.e.: March's winners will be drawn on or before April 30, 2024
• Winners must agree to be published on the bank's website and/or social media pages in the form of either a name or image representation
• Should a selected participant not agree to any of the Terms and Conditions listed above, an alternate winner will be selected
• Should the Bank attempt to contact a selected winner using the information on file and we are unable to make official contact and/or receive a response, from said selected winner, within five (5) business days, an alternate winner will be selected
• Staff of Republic Bank, Caribbean Ideas and Publicis Caribbean are not eligible for the customer element of the promotion

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