Page 29 - Quest magazine 40
P. 29

being a New Media Network Owner.             and keep going forward” as I was preparing for                 MINUTE  MOTIVATIONAL
                                                     my first ruction in 2015. From that day, I knew
        Secondly- Do not take on what the masses say,   that I was never going to lose myself once again,
        but acknowledge constructive makes   that I would be pushing for my goals and being
        your craft better.                           me unapologetically.

        Humans by nature shun the things they do not   In life, we face trying times but these are the
        understand.  There are  those who  will support   times that make us, that keep us focused. I am
        you and those who will not and….THAT IS OK!   grateful to have learnt that in my almost 30 years
        Those who support you keep them close because   of existence. To beat the stress of life, ask your-
        they are the ones that help shape your craft and   self “If it’s really your passion would you give
        push you to be and do better. Listen, acknowl-  the world for that?” I came from repressing my
        edge and build yourself from it.             passions to please others but lost myself in the
                                                     process and now I’m living in my passion and
        Lastly-  Be  AUTHENCIALLY  &  UNAPOLO-       making the masses even happier. Give your pas-
        GETICALLY YOU!                               sion preference, don’t be afraid to let go, don’t be
                                                     afraid to show your true colors. Let that Rainbow
        In my journey, I have lost myself several times   Shine!
        and it was hard staying true to myself. Until one
        day, I will never forget what my first supervisor
        at RBL Hibah Mitchell told me “You are a light

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