Page 31 - Quest magazine 40
P. 31

you’re doing, inhale and let the oxygen calm you  It’s time to establish your authority through re-         MINUTE  MOTIVATIONAL
        and consider the effects of your options on your-  sponsible thoughts and actions!
        self and those around you.
        Take responsibility for your own choices/deci-
        sions.  It’s usually easy to take ownership when   DeMarco, P. (2016)  Three lessons on leader-
        things go right, and praise is being handed to you   ship and responsibility from ‘It’s a wonderful
        on a silver platter.  But, not so much for when   life’.  Forbes.  Available  at:  https://www.forbes.
        they go wrong.  Change your perception of ad-  com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2016/12/22/
        mittance to errors, from one of weakness or in-  three-lessons-on-leadership-and-responsibili-
        competence to strength and learning.  And don’t   ty-from-its-a-wonderful-life/?sh=5f58307c4bd8
        even think about trying to preserve your self-im-  [Accessed: 29 November, 2022].
        age by averting the attention away from the fact
        that you were wrong; it defeats the purpose of
        accepting responsibility and people see right   Calvello, M. (2022) 7 ways to take responsibility
        through it.  You may end up hurting your reputa-  as a leader. Fellow. Available at:  https://fellow.
        tion because of it.
        Repetition here, therefore, is imperative to en-  ity-as-a-leader/#:~:text=A%20responsible%20
        sure  this  becomes  second  nature.    This  sounds   leader%20is%20one,the%20issue%20on%20
        like a Norman  Vincent Peale quote, so I’ll go   the%20table. [Accessed: 29 November, 2022].
        right ahead and paraphrase him - repeating these
        thoughts and actions build habits and once re-
        peated enough, they become your natural reflex.

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