Commercial Property Loans

PURPOSE (a) Purchase of property (land or building) for own business occupation use.
(b) Construction or renovation of building used in the business.
LOAN LIMITS Up to 80% of value/cost whichever is lower
TERM Up to 20 years
INTEREST RATE Competitive rates apply
MORATORIUM On capital repayments up to one year with interest payable monthly during the period *applicable to (b) only
REPAYMENT Fixed monthly amortised payments with provisions for periodic and defined lump sum payments..
FEES/CHARGES See Schedule of Charges
INSURANCE PROTECTION All lendings to be fully covered by an insurance provider acceptable to the Bank.
SECURITY First Legal Demand Mortgage stamped to cover the loan amount.
Comprehensive insurance for the full replacement/insurable value of the property.
2. Cash Flow Forecasts
3. Periodic Management Accounts as considered necessary
4. Annual Accounts for the last 3 years

Simply complete and submit the Request for Credit Facility Application Form and one of our representatives will contact you to discuss your needs.

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